Remember when you were a kid and the world was a wonder and everything made sense to you in your own imaginative way?
You'd always see your parents worry over you and keep you from doing things that were "bad" for you, while your parents did things that made themselves unhappy. Eventually you kinda gave in because "momma always knows best" and you had to become "responsible" and "Obligated." You essentially gave your wonderful world up to an idea that was enforced because you "had to." REALLY??
What else is there to know than to just have fun? What don't we already have that we want? Why have work, chores, and obligations become what we center our attention on when it is apparent we don't like them? Has no one the imagination to see that this world will function without these weights on our shoulders? The thing that we don't understand right now is that the world would work without our direct "help" because we are trying to make things work for the sake of the system and the current ideology. Not ourselves.
We want a system to prove stable, so we push people in the direction we see the system fit, instead of allowing our ideas create the world outside of the system's overly apparent oppression.
See, we are told we can't do what we want because our ideas don't coincide with what is currently going on...therefore we are trying to freeze society in the state it is, even though change is what brought us from a primitive state to the world we now live in.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"-Einstein.
The answer I always get to these legitimate questions is, "Well, somebody's got to do it." Really? Did your parents tell you that? Society claims that these jobs are necessary for our society to work because our society is based around an economy. Well, I find it interesting that we are trying to make an economy work when it's making a majority of minimum wage people unhappy and miserable.
Screw what you are told to think, you have your own thoughts to follow and shouldn't be concerning yourself with other people's problems, even your own parents. If they are trying to tell you that you need to do this in order to that, it doesn't mean they are anymore right than you are. Isn't the point of growing up to give up beliefs that don't work for you anymore?
It's time to give up what doesn't make you happy. I'm not saying that if you are a child under a parent's roof to immediately tell your mom to fuck off because she doesn't know more than you, but your parents don't have the right to tell you that you are wrong.
Talk it over, and you will find a conclusion that works for all of you.
That's why as a society we have evolved so slowly. Long ago in history the world was more oppressive than now and religion was the basis of most people's lives in a very strict literal way. People at the time believed that was right. They weren't "wrong", it did "work", and we all "functioned." However, a few people realized, "Wow, this way of life simply sucks" and those people broke through the barrier to reveal more of what there is to see and know.
That's completely wonderful but once those people broke through, they formed another social normality. They reinstated what they had been raised with, just with a different appearance and with different conditions.
What we live in today is a great example of that.
This all relates to the purpose of questioning. Always question what you are told and never feel bad that you are questioning. Once again there is always another solution that works better for you.
Don't let someone else fill in the blank for you, no matter who they claim to be. If you follow what you know to be true and keep an open mind, nothing can really stop you. Only your own beliefs.
Bring out the child you left behind in yourself. The world will be a better place.
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