Hello =)

Feel free to share your heart here, there is no judgment, there is nothing "bad" to judge within the truth. Come here to confirm you are right because you can't be wrong. We will just develop the unlimited possibilities of what we want to be right about =).



Now I know we are all very consciously worried about our own well being, which does include your physical well being.

The way I look at it is this: I'm not dead, so, I can get up and do whatever I want if I see it is possible. Why limit myself with a worry that is far away from where I want to see myself?

If you are in pain, it may seem otherwise, but it's really not. In the blog below I discussed time being an illusion, and since we have complete control over the perception of "time", we can also perceive the pain that is currently here being gone in a "second." It's just pain - it's not bad - your body is reacting to something that it finds to be an interloper, and if you can mentally make that connection, your body will go through the process much quicker.

My way of looking at it: there are no interlopers, I bring everything I experience to myself for a reason, and I always grow from each experience.

I just made the connection between an emotion and physical pain, because to me they are the same. In my everyday life, whenever I feel a physical discomfort, I realize that something is bothering me, and I should confront it because there are no backwards steps. I can only grow and there's really nothing to be afraid of.

I'm still alive, I'm still breathing, and I'm happy.

Now, when you are educated in health, they are not trying to scare you. In my experience, I really had to force my brain to distance myself from all the negativity involved in the class and that was not comfortable for me. I had to distinguish myself from all the "victims of cancer."

But another thing I realized was in health, people are often grouped into one category along with everyone else when really, every single individual experience with "disease" is different.

You can distinguish yourself from all the "victims of cancer" because you are not like them - you are your own individual. So, if your lungs hurt for instance, don't worry that you have "cancer." Cancer is just a word meant to define a large group of people when really the only way that can work if the definition is ambiguous (no particular meaning.) Stress and focus concentrated on the existence of a pain will allow that pain to grow in your mind. If you are scared of your own pain, confront it for yourself, or even ask the opinion of those around you.

A couple weeks ago, I noticed bumps on the back of my tongue, and you know with all the "diseases" that exist, that could fit into a lot of definitions of a physical deformity. I showed my mom and she said, "You are fine. I've had them too for my whole life, and they haven't been a problem."

If your parent is constantly worried about your well being, you probably shouldn't tell them, because they will probably reinforce your own worries, and agreement of something "bad" will make that reality seem more real. Just find someone who is relaxing, calming, and will tell you that you are fine. They aren't lying, if you chose to feel fine, you will be, and never doubt that. Allow yourself to see yourself in a better state of physical being and you will be.

We don't really give our bodies enough credit. They are amazing at defeating anything that is a "threat" to us, so why worry about things that could go wrong, when we could smile at all the things that ARE going right?

Make the choice to decide where you are in your healthful lifestyle. No doctor can tell you how you actually feel when you are feeling it yourself.

Pertussis, like swine flu, is an extension of our beliefs and our emotion. I have been coughing, yet I feel fine. I go out and run and do things like anybody else, but I just currently fit into the definition of having Pertussis. In my own experience with what I'm allowing to inform myself about, I'm really just relieving stress through my coughing. Every time I cough, I feel better, and I am better.

See, I just made an association with my pain which makes sense to me, and because I believe it, I essentially am experiencing it.


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